Fly In Vacations is the ultimate resource for reaching the most well-traveled, affluent and highly influential people in the world. Our market is the people who own and travel on private aircraft. These are the most affluent (average incomes of around $400,000/year) and most well traveled (travel to an average of 50 plus destinations annually) of the private aviation market, or any travelers for that matter. Last year, nearly 150 million people traveled on Private Airplanes, to more than 40 million destinations in the United States, spending nearly $40 Billion on the Hospitality Industry alone!
Fly In Vacations goes to the decision makers, Aircraft Owners, who decide where their plane goes. Whether they are in the cockpit or hire a pilot it’s the aircraft owners that decide where the plane goes. Aircraft owners decide what planes to buy, what accessories to purchase and how they are going to spend their money at the next destination. They decide what hotels and resorts to stay in, what restaurants to go to, what golf course to play, what shops to go to, what spas to be pampered at, what sites to see and experience, and so on. These are the people and companies who buy the airplanes, what’s in them, on them and around them. They buy the latest instrumentation, hottest interiors, newest gadgets, accessories, toys and necessities of everything aviation. They also own real estate, stock portfolios, fine art, wines, jewelry, nice cars, boats, motorcycles, and the latest trends & fashions…they buy the best of everything for themselves and as gifts for others. The list is endless as to what our aviators can and will purchase during the course of a year.
Fly In Vacations has become a trusted resource for this exciting lifestyle. Ready for results from Fly In Vacations? Want a personal review written about your business? How about strategic audience exposure? Or well-positioned advertising? Would you like hotlinks on our active website? How about portal marketing of qualified viewers to your website? Fly In Vacations is the leading private aircraft travel destination resource, and our programs are focused and qualified to help you. Contact us today to get more information about the numerous promotional tools we have to successfully penetrate this market.